Wednesday 26 May 2010

Economic Commission launched by the Kirk

The Church of Scotland announced the membership of its newly created Commission on the Purposes of Economic Activity, which will spend two years exploring the fundamental ethical and moral questions underlying economic activity, many of which have been highlighted for society by the “credit crunch”. The Commission will take part in a number of meetings around the country organised through Presbyteries. There will also be meetings in Edinburgh, involving discussion with people with experience relevant to the Commission's work.
The Commission will primarily consider matters relating to the Scottish economy, and has identified two specific groups of problems, those relating to poverty and those relating to the use of wealth.

The Commission will look to answer three large questions:

How can the Church best offer Scottish society a new vision of what might be achievable in the economic, social and community life of the nation?

How can the Church, at local and national level, be encouraged to become more engaged in transformative economics, linking values such as justice, cohesion and sustainability to economic success?

How should inequality be addressed while ensuring that appropriate levels of choice are available to all?

Membership of the Committee is as follows:

Linda de Caestecker. Director of Public Health for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Glasgow City Council.
Paul Chapman Former director of "The Employment Project"
Reverend Doug GayLecturer in Practical Theology at the University of Glasgow
Reverend Kathy Galloway Head of Christian Aid in Scotland
Janette Harkess Director of policy and research, Scottish Council for Development and Industry
Werner G. Jeanrond Professor of Divinity at the University of Glasgow
David Lonsdale Assistant Director of CBI Scotland
John McFall Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee from 2001-10
Jeremy Peat Director of the David Hume Institute

Cathy McCormack Co-author of “The Wee Yellow Butterfly”
Grahame Smith General Secretary of the STUC
Jim Spowart Founder of Intelligent Finance (IF)

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